Can't register the domain name on booble

0 votes
The tutorisl tells me to get a server and start uploading movies, but when i go to the booble building, and write my domain name, nothing happens! Do you know, how can i do ?
asked May 18, 2016 in FAQ by tennis99 (12 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is your booble domain name?

Perhaps the name is used for internal purpose and it is not allowed to use the same name twice (someone is using it)?

Have you tried another domain name? But think about it, because you can't change it later.

If the other name solves your problem, write an error ticket to admin, because of the missing hint.

Good luck to you ;)
answered May 18, 2016 by Berny (449 points)
I tried several but nothing happens!! do I need some special achievements to open a domain ?
u pĆ¹rchased the server?
no i can't, when i go to the server menu, on top right it sais register your domain name, but when i write a name nothing happens
Doesn't, cause my problem is that I can't get the domain
Do you have enough cash (money) to buy the server?
how much does it cost?
Here my two cents about your problem.
Because it has been a while since i have build up (registered) my Booble, I can't guarantee for all issues (in fact i had no problems with Booble).

First Booble Server is relatively cheap (50k$?), but you need this amount at your cash side and not at your bank account.

If the cash is not the problem, you may have to study at the academy how to run a server. At higher levels you will be able to learn how to run better servers (but then they are not that cheap anymore).

Last chance is the possible naming problem (although i don't think it will affect you). Have you tried another name? Sometimes the admins hide buttons unknowingly (, because they mainly check the Polish side).

A feedback about the solution would be nice, since there is no satisfying answer in the forum.
Still waiting for some feedback :((
still have the problem, i don't understand, I don't see any lesson in the academy talking about "servers"
But you did the courses at the academy?
What about the different name? What's the name of your dreamside?
yeah tried different names, but i don't remember if i already did the lesson at the academy, how do I know if i still have to do it ?
Check at the academy the stairs. There you can see if anything is available for you. (maybe you have to pay a fee;)
i checked, it says that i have to get a pro licence to continue film lessons...
then you have done all possible courses. And you don't need pro licence to run booble server. What kind of layout/game language (country flag at the login) do you use?
i use france cause i live in france