Specific liqueuers that don't show up after crusing

+4 votes
When I do cruising says I pick up some liquors that I can't drink. I've seen cocksucking cowboy, ciders and rums, but it don't show up when I go to drinks. Are they bunga bunga party only liquors?
asked Oct 3, 2015 in Bugs by Cesare (21 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I think they don't show up unless you already have at least 1 of the item in your list. Most likely a bug, the game cant add to a category that is not there. Visit the store and make sure you've got at least one of every item that's on sale.
answered Oct 10, 2015 by rubberduck (678 points)
But ive never bought liquor before, and it showed up everything under borboun.