How many films can i shoot at the same time?

0 votes
Hi i have a few question regarding films as my better girls are all actress.

1. How many films can i shoot at the same time.

2. How many photo shoots can i do at the same time.

3. Where can i engage my acctress other then films and photo

4. Can i choose more then 1 girl while doing an amateur film.
asked Dec 24, 2015 in New Features by darkreaper92 (15 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
So much questions (without question mark;-), but here are your answers:

1. You can shoot an amateur and a pro movie at the same time.

2. You can make only 1 photo session at the same time and you have to wait for next session 40 minutes.

3. You can attach actresses to the live cam rooms inside your booble server (max 9 rooms).

     And you can make money and experience (level up) with the delivery deals at the casting tent.

4. You can attach only one girl to an amateur movie, but the pro movies need more actresses (with higher sex appeal).

Have fun making movies!
answered Dec 24, 2015 by Jack69 (2,310 points)
Thank you so much for the comprehensive answer.