Girls ethnicity

+5 votes
Did any1 know, why i have about 10 European, 9 Asian, 7 Latinos in my date list, but just 2 African, NONE Scandinavian, Arabic, Celtic.

This don't look random for me.
asked Mar 16, 2016 in FAQ by d_ahat (35 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
'Random' doesn't mean you have equal number of ethnic girls.

But you are right there is a theory that some ethnics are more seldom. Good indicator for this theory is the change of charge when you change the ethnic at the casting tent. According to this Celtic girls are more precious, but Scandinavians are more common. You are lacking both ethnics;-)
answered Mar 16, 2016 by Jack69 (2,310 points)
Because you answered yourself correclty. It's a gang secret;-)
let's see what eth have ur girls... ;P
jack, ur girls re so common... not interested on film awards?
nope, I am just producing porn for common European customers. No film awards but solid income. Isn't Catalunya situated in Europe?
where else? the ancient continent, birth place of the killer white men... lol
–1 vote
None of them.

45 girls from 82-100. EU, Asian, african, latino.

No idea how they count "random".
answered Mar 16, 2016 by d_ahat (35 points)
If i would been  mean, i would say the ugly ones come from Scandinavia, Ireland and Arabia (explains why they are wearing burkha), because you didn't said anything about 0-81. But this isn't true.

Random means your situation can happen (like winning the lottery). Important for the game developer is the fact, there is a certain amount of ethnic inside the game (not who owns them).
Personally i wish you some divine Celtic or Arabian girls, but you must try more often (45 girls aren't very much).
Already 50 in stock - again EU and Asian:))
You are officially named Eurasian Man ;-)
like lottery, u must check every day ur buddies to find the good ones someday... but this means months to get one divine cèltic fiery...
And i need 2x Celtic/Scand and  Arab as actres and...
same for work..........
no matter, u can film without matching ethnicity... less bonus but next one maybe have more luck