How do I get Actress Acting Classes for my Actresses?

+2 votes
I've tried singling out two actresses, one for photographs and one for movies and swap them back and forth but it doesn't seem to get them any classes.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
asked Jan 21, 2018 in Bugs by Marcos229 (133 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Do you mean at the Academy?  Is that for any of your actresses or just those 2?  All of your actresses (bar one who is still level 1) should be able to take classes, assuming they are not 'up to date' with them.
answered Jan 22, 2018 by Traghorn (335 points)
+2 votes
Just a small pointer ;-)

When you are at the academy you can send your actresses to actress acting classes via the blond girl next to the gigolo door (and yes they all have enough levels for this). Additionally they shouldn't be busy and you should have some cash for their lessons.

Furthermore (since you are level 65) you should buy some appartements and move your actresses in for faster exp gain.
answered Jan 26, 2018 by Jack69 (2,310 points)