My thoughts on the new lab feature...

+6 votes

So I've been tangling with the new lab feature that was part of HCL's latest update, and here are my thoughts...

It is not a bad feature to begin with (at least, for the early levels)... If you are willing to always keep an empty spot in both your hooker and actress lists and spend time recruiting girls to "fuse" them with the ones you already have. Let me explain...

When you have a 100/100 girl, she has 10 yellow stars. After fusing her (using 6 other girls), the stars are erased and replaced with a gray diamond (out of a possibility of 10 diamonds). Then you can (using sex appeal hormones) turn that gray diamond into a green one (to really boost her statistics). A full green diamond adds 20 to a girl's sex appeal (10 for half a diamond). So if your girl as one green diamond, she has 120 sex appeal. Two green diamonds, 140 sex appeal and so on...

A girl's two first diamonds are relatively easy to get (just take a lot of time... and 100/100 girls. But I was okay with it).

Where it gets tricky (and personally, this is where I stop wasting time upgrading girls) is when you want to get her third diamond. Then you have to fuse her with again 5 or 6 girls BUT one of the girls must be a 1-green diamond girl... So, if you follow their logic, you have to use X number of girls to fuse into a girl... and then use that girl to fuse into an other one (and lose her) ! Talk about a waste of time and energy ! And it is only to get a girl her third diamond... out of a possibility of 10! Just immagine what kind of girls it will take to get her her 10th diamond...

This is crazy !

They are turning a pimping game into a mad scientist game...
asked Jul 27, 2019 in New Features by Dragonmaestro (335 points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
I couldn´t agree more, Maestro. That´s totally mad. I saw now a few actresses that have more then 140 sex appeal. In this short time it´s just something that only wallet players could have done. For the long run it will take lot´s of time. And many players will maybe getting really frustrated.


Sometimes developers should take more thoughts into updates that makes it not to hard for all free players.
answered Jul 28, 2019 by Comanche (37 points)
+3 votes
I think ? You are Right in what You are saying!! Big Hype about new way to make more money !! from BIG SPENDERS .and no incentive at all to help or attract New Player's into the Game ! Yes Over time I have Gained a few Pack's  to try to keep up ? But this is a little over the Top !!
answered Aug 1, 2019 by djson (24 points)
+2 votes
I agree.  Mostly a waste of time for little reward.
answered Aug 20, 2019 by Marcos229 (133 points)