Suggestion for flyers

+1 vote

As we all know, silver flyers can give you a girl up to 70 sex appeal. Which is good for low-level players. But when you reach higher levels (lets say, above level 50) you are now only looking for 100 sex appeal girls and dismissing any lower sex appeal girls.

I think it would be great if we could merge silver flyers into gold flyers... let's say 10 (or 20, or 50) silver for 1 gold. Because high level players, like myself, are no longer using their silver flyers and we are ending up with hundreds of unused silver flyers.

I, for one, am currently level 96 (soon 97) and I have 308 unused silver flyers. And let's face it, I'm just not gonna use them... so they'll just keep piling up. Personally, I just use the gold flyers for the chance to get a premium girl (yeah, VERY SMALL chance). When I'm lucky enough to get a 100 sex appeal girl, I put her into storage for merging with one of my premium girls. Lower girls are just discarded.

But hey, may be it's just me...
asked Nov 10, 2019 in New Features by Dragonmaestro (335 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Not a bad plan, and certainly something to do with my 3,000 silver flyers ;)
answered Nov 14, 2019 by Ehlanna (690 points)