How do I unlock position combinations?!

+1 vote
Can someone tell me how you unlock the pro film position combinations? I know what positions i need and how to get them and i already found the "classci act" combination, but the others won't get unlocked if i just put them together in the script. What am I doing wrong?
asked Apr 3, 2020 in FAQ by patproman (15 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Normally, it works like this. Are you trying to "chain" them. By that, I mean that the classic finishes with a missionnary and the penetrator begins with it. But you can't make blowjob-missionnary-flowers, you must put blowjob-missionnary-missionnary-flowers.
answered Apr 4, 2020 by RicMysoth (274 points)
Well i just put them after each other. I don't really know what you mean by flowers though :/
Sorry, I play in french and I don't know all the english names, it seems it's heels over head for "fleur éclatée". I was just saying you must put all the position for each combination, and not use the final position of one like the first of the other.
If it didn't work, you could try not using the combinations you unlocked when unlocking others, and checking if you put the good positions
Okay, thanks for the quick response, gonna try it again and see if it works out your way, but i feel like it's bugged or something like that.
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2020 by Beasty (42 points)