Casting Tent Settings

+2 votes
Has anyone figured out if there's a spefic slider combination to get 100 SA actresses at the casting tent? I noticed I get the best Celtics when using 31 Temper and 100 SA, but haven't gotten a 100SA that way yet. Haven't seen any other combos that work, but am wondering if there's a combo that will work or if it's all random and has to do with some other level (i.e. Intelligence or Artistic Vision).
asked Aug 5, 2020 in FAQ by FrigginFrancis (80 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Since celtic girls populate the world in low numbers, it is hard to cast a 100 one.

'You can  get it if you really want, but ...'

The temper is just another randomizer (yes i have casted fiery celtic divines;-)
answered Aug 20, 2020 by Jack69 (2,310 points)