Build Massage parlors on others territory

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How can i build my own Massage parlor on someone elses teritory? It says i need to beat them in a cockfight, yet after winning i don't see an option to build one. Do i have to do something special?
asked Sep 5, 2020 in FAQ by patproman (15 points)

1 Answer

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The building to build a hostile parlor is in the low right of the map, just above the statue and the house for the script.

The first option is use to build parlors and manage them, the second to see the hostile parlors in your territory and the last to search "victim" to build a parlor in their territory.

Once you defeat someone, select the first option, the defeated opponents will appear in the left, you can broxse them until you find the one in whose territory you want to build a parlor. You can then select the parlor you want to build.

One it's done, you can place girls to defend it, if you want.

Hoppe it helps^^
answered Sep 6, 2020 by RicMysoth (274 points)
Once you build the hostile parlor, how do you make money? Is it based on the other player's or yours?
Each time the player take money from his parlor, you gain the % of what he get. That means that if the player don't take the money during the time your hostile parlor stay in his territory, you don't get anything^^
My personnal tip, though : Only do this during events where you have to earn pendants to buy stuff from the event shop. It gives you 300 pendants for each parlor you build on hostile territory... Plus a probable x10 or x100 multiplier. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time and money (in my opinion) as most players with an hostile parlor on their territory just won't collect their money until you leave their territory.