Any Raid Tips?

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Anyone feel like sharing tips on raiding massage parlors? I'm level 64, have all Mr. Smiths and the Plasma Gun thingy, yet I keep getting my ass kicked when I raid in league battles. My Out House numbers are each over 2200. WTH am I doing wrong?
asked Sep 10, 2020 in FAQ by FrigginFrancis (80 points)

1 Answer

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How many points have you in the fight skill? You can get 150 max and, since all the rest add %, the base number is important.

Are you in a gang? Gangs have a building they can upgrade, that boost the fight skill. In addition, when you donate enough money to your gang, your can raise your rank, and obtain another bonus (always available when you quit your gang and go in another one).

Btw, 2200, it's low. Lvl 64, you should have more than that. There is no referal number, but the most you have, the better it is^^

Hoppe it helps
answered Sep 10, 2020 by RicMysoth (274 points)
Fight skill is 85. I've tried to keep balance on skills in order to get 100SA girls and make good movies, but am thinking I need to start focusing on fighting for diamonds.

I am in a gang and am currently ranked as "Sergeant Pincher". Should be "Sergeant Upskirt" (two tits w/3 stars) by tomorrow. We are a weakish gang and keep losing our buildings to other gangs.

Current OH level is 7168 (2388/2389/2390). I think one of the levels determines who goes first in a raid. I can't remember which.

Thanks for the insight. I'll work on the skills and OH more.
Well, to get girls, you don't really need any stat, you can get 100 SA with your car and use gifts to make them fuckbuddies.
I was speaking about the building you can build in your gang, with the money members gave, not the building in the other map.
Good luck^^
Does it matter which guard you select when raiding a parlor? Do the girls warrior levels/health matter?