What do the Profit/h numbers mean in the Massage Parlors?

+1 vote
When you pull up the massage parlors, for each house there are 2 numbers listed under the Profit/h coulmn. What do each of those numbers reflect?

Thank you.
asked Oct 18, 2022 in FAQ by Bezaile (27 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Well, quite obviously that's the amount of money you can make in an hour... If it's $100/1h, it literally means that if you buy this massage parlour and put one or more girls there, you can expect to make $100 each hour.
answered Oct 23, 2022 by Dragonmaestro (335 points)
We might be looking at different numbers. Currently, I have 4 girls in 1 of my houses. In the Profit/h column for that house it lists $71,460/$57,960. So, if 1 number is how much money I can make in an hour, what is the other number, and which is which?
If you look at each girl IN that parlour they will each have an hourly rate (labelled as Makes). Add those up and you'll get the first value of thoese figures you see.  The scond figure is the normal maximum you'd expect to get in an hour. And yes, I know the first number can be higher than the second! The second value does not factor in the affinity of the girls to the current preferred ethnicity for that parlour, etc.