Almost naked girls?

+8 votes
When managing Girls or Actresses, you can hover over them to get them undresses, but why are they clothed underneath?
It seems to me that the option to have them nude should be something to consider.

Maybe this is something the admins should answer?
If there are any...
asked Jun 24, 2014 in Bugs by SpiderJeru (78 points)
edited Jul 7, 2014 by SpiderJeru

1 Answer

–3 votes
so what would happen if they were naked ? would you be satisfied ? would you be happy ? come on dude who cares :D
answered Dec 11, 2014 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
stop bumping up old forum you honestly care that much about forum ranking that all you do is vote on EVERY post and make useless comments?
do you honestly care that much about what i do ? so mind your business if u dont like my comments dont read them & if you dont like me fuck if i care ... ;)