combinations for pro porn?

+3 votes
When you enter the lake house, there's a board with different styles that gives bonuses, can someone tell me what the combination of the different positions are?
asked Jul 6, 2014 in FAQ by Fuzzer (42 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
yeah, that would be helpful, cuz got only one combo, but somehow i think not a lot of ppl are there already, so i think we will be the ones to explore and get those combinations :)
answered Jul 11, 2014 by Kebaboni (31 points)
+3 votes
If you look at the positions and number them from top left: 1-9.  The bonus combos I have found are:

1&2; 2&6; 4&8; 7&9.
answered Jul 11, 2014 by rhheat (35 points)
–8 votes
The positions you are searching for can you find here.

Thanks from here to Kichaplok for sharing his knowledge in professional filming.

( )

For some bonuses you have to learn the needed positions at the academy.
answered Jul 12, 2014 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
Don't know why i get some down votes here. It's quite clear the links don't belong to me. At the time i posted them they have been the best answer to the question (and polish was the official language in the forum). But i will take them anyway.
possibly you are voted down because all those links are dead.