How do I increase the "heat" on my fuck buddies to turn them into actresses not hookers?

+1 vote
asked Jul 7, 2014 in Porn stars by C-Los (18 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Make them star in movies, or do photoshoots with them.
answered Jul 7, 2014 by SpiderJeru (78 points)
Do a photoshoot or make a movie. In the "select a girl" window, you'll see three panes. From left to right it's: "Casting", "Fuck Buddies" and "Actresses". Make the fuck buddies star in movies or photoshoots and the actress gauge will rise. (If they wan't to become actresses, so to speak) When the gauge maxes you can then click on the actress gauge to offer them a job or like in some cases they ask to be an actress.
+3 votes
it is I think predefined that which will she become. first you need to fuck them, and then you'll see. if they "like money" -> hooker. If "making guys happy is not their thing" -> actress.
answered Jul 8, 2014 by zaphod (55 points)
Thanks all!  Your responses have cleared it up for me!
0 votes
Well, some of them can become both. Ones who refuses "to please men" can be only actresses. Ones who object to "taking pictures" , can become whores only. You try both on each girl and see which one agrees to do what.

One advice tho: on girls level more then "pretty" and including pretty be sure the scale is full in red before asking her to do jobs for you as a hoe. As for actresses, they will auto ask you for a job themselves.
answered Jan 12, 2015 by raven34 (111 points)