male actors for movie

+2 votes
How so I hire an additional  male actor?

I need two of them, but only one is available
asked Aug 1, 2014 in FAQ by gimpsyit (184 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
please put your screenshot

so we can see what is the problem

because when need to shoot pro, there more than enough actor or actresses available.
answered Aug 2, 2014 by TitsCorp (105 points)
Screenshot?  I'll try to have one.

When I need to choose the male actor,  two options tab are available:   movie  and casting. I only have one male actor available in the casting tab ( and I already picked him: the infamous Rocco Fredi ). A few more are available  in the movie tab but guess they're players .

btw could I join myself the movie?  Similarly as when u ask to join a movie at the casting tent?