gigolo class Mr Dingo

+1 vote
I've already completed all the classes taught by Mr Dingo ( the black teacher ) , but can't  cock fight him  in order to move to a superior class.

I mean that the "fight me"  ( or sort of, I don't remember the actual  label I've found in the previous levels  )  button  doesn't show up while visiting   the teacher at full energy .


Are there any further requirements  to achieve before  challenging him ?
asked Aug 9, 2014 in FAQ by gimpsyit (184 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Mr. Dingo is the final teacher. The reason nobody can chalange him to cock fight is because there is nothing left to learn, no superior class, you have graduated gigolo school.
answered Aug 16, 2014 by RoAndy (124 points)
selected Aug 16, 2014 by gimpsyit
0 votes
Make sure that your excitement and energy levels are full.
answered Aug 10, 2014 by DokGee (14 points)
I showed up at Mr dingo class having full energy, excitement and health  and got no chance of challenging him.