What are the benefits of being in a gang?

+7 votes
I am level 50-someting and I make 1mil $/day just from booble. Is there any point in me joining a gang? What benefits can a gang ofer me?
asked Aug 19, 2014 in FAQ by RoAndy (124 points)

4 Answers

–3 votes
Best answer

But in general I have not found any gamefeature that is not available without being in a gang.

Absolutely true. Being in a gang just  adds a further flavour to the game, but admittedly  u can live without.

As far I can see the following apply:

- there's no "gang protection" against raids.

-  "donating girls to gang", allow u to make a few extra bucks, but more importantly, when u need to  "retire" a girl from your own team  and subtitute with better looking one, instead of youst firing her( i mean not literally :-) ) , , it's a better option to get about 1-2k/hour for about 6 days, imho.

- gang missions are difficult to complete as u need many active gang members. I mean online in order to begin the mission.  Unfortunately they're not very rewarding: for a 50 members mission u only get 110k .  But u should consider the fact that while the mission complete u can live your pimp life as usual

- gang wars: u get money when u win ( again not much money) and plenty of drugs, alcohol, items durign the actual fights.

- u can develop relations with other pimps.

- maybe u can find it funny

-  u can leave the gang anytime, easily: no tattooes, to get rid of,  no ritual mutilation to undergo, no vengeances.

- maybe the gang mechanics will evolve in he future

In the end,  I daresay: you have nothing to lose  by joining a gang, and probably you can experience the game a bit further.

As a matter of fact ....   is there any point at being level 50something and making 1M$/day in a game, besides having fun? :-)


answered Aug 22, 2014 by gimpsyit (184 points)
selected Aug 23, 2014 by RoAndy
–5 votes
Obviously are there no benefits or advantages ....


To be serious, I read in some Threads about some things like donating girls to the gang so there might be the possibility to exchange girls with each other or to help each other in protection against raids . But in general I have not found any gamefeature that is not available without being in a gang. But to be honest I have to say I am also not a Gangmember so this are only observations and suggestions on my own and there is no guarantee that this is correct .
answered Aug 21, 2014 by Peno_1 (118 points)
+6 votes
I've only been in a gang for a few weeks now, but there are definitely advantages (possibly evolved in the time since this question was asked):

- New activities are available that you only experience through a gang:
 Fuck-Offs (you can win a lot of goodies from these events
 Gang Challenges (your regular activities and achievements count towards winning useful items)
 Gang Missions
 Battles against other gangs
 The second map and fights over the locations there (opens up the Warriors aspect of the game)

- Direct benefits that comes with the gang (magnitude depends on how "upgraded" the gang is and your membership status):
 Bonus multipliers for various things, like your massage parlor income, your fighting/attack power, etc.
 You can "donate" girls to work for the gang, i.e. you get a number of additional hooker slots that you can fill and make money from (but the girls disappear after 7 days so you can't exchange girls with other gang members)

- The "soft" benefits
 You are part of a team, cameraderie and all that
 Sense of belonging to something greater than yourself
The very real help you can get from more experienced members whom has a vested interest in seeing you get better


There are possibly more things I haven't discovered yet :-)
answered Mar 17, 2016 by bronto (79 points)
+6 votes

i only want to add the best and most profitable benefit from a gang, and only can get from a gang...


That feature is exclusively got donating money to the gang safe (this money for upgrade gang skills, nothing else, and nobody can use it for nothing more)

That rank comes with you FOREVER, going out from that gang and joining another or being a lone wolf.

And that rank has effects on ALL fights (CF/Raids/Sabotages) you participate, gang ones and private ones.

answered Mar 18, 2016 by Almogaver (1,084 points)
and let me to add that to win alone is fun... but to win with comrades in squadron is... ecstatic ;)))
and for not to talk about great helping hands to clear the path to the trophies againt other rivals... overall, when that starts a chain of raids, CF and sabotages between both gang members... some underground gang fight ;))))
and what about prizes from gang challenges... rings for ur girls, power candies for ur cock, extra gifts for your comrades... i can't live here with all that ;))))))
but all that only become truth on active gangs with the most members actives too.. we are talking about 20-25 gangs actually only