Language selection - is it going to be an option?

0 votes
This question is for here, the HCL Hotline - not the game, and is not a bug report just a query to the devs. :)


As an English only speaking player (left handed, my brain doesn't do well with languages) and having noticed more other English speakers joining the game, will there at some point be an option for language preference here on the hotline/forum?

Google and Windows translators are at best sketchy and a lot of the Q & A appear to be in Polish.

Edit = 1st line added - The question is for here.......
asked Aug 23, 2014 in Bugs by stussy (26 points)
edited Aug 23, 2014 by stussy

1 Answer

–1 vote
This will probably not happen... unless more English speaking people join and create topics in English as this is a general forum for all.

But do not worry, you may ask in English.. people will answer:P
answered Aug 27, 2014 by MalaAnia (106 points)
hello i don't understand polish too and its really hard to find relevant topics/help here, will there be a useable faq or search filter by language/topic please?
Let it be a challenge to the Polish players, write in English, so the whole world can get joy of your great topics...It is a worldwide game, please have that in mind, before you selfish start write in your own language, i could use Danish, but i am aware that noone would be able to read/understand wtf i mean and write, Google-translater sucks....Just saying, it translate like the devil reads a bible!!
