improving sex appeal

+2 votes
How can I improve girls' sex appeal in order to shoot better quality movies?


I have a couple of  girls with a maximum sexappeal of 92, but I can't go beyond  60-70  by attending fitness lessons.

What else?  SPA will work? how?
asked Sep 3, 2014 in FAQ by gimpsyit (184 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
I had the same issue, using the Spar helps to boost the sex appeal once a girls statistics are about where they should be (weight, bust size, hips etc.)
answered Sep 7, 2014 by stussy (26 points)
+5 votes
Girl's sexappeal is divided into 60 for fitness and 40 for spa. Proportions are smaller if girl dont have 100 sexappeal . So if you can't go beyond 60 you should send yours girls to spa. Just click on that girl in spa and choose second option.
answered Sep 7, 2014 by Hazzer (39 points)