What are the things in the out house for?

+1 vote
What does the foreplay do? Get better at sweet talking girls in the pub & for dates?

What does Stamina do? Get you more energy?

what does Technique do? does it help in cock fights?
asked Oct 15, 2014 in New Features by velesbrother (15 points)

2 Answers

–3 votes
to tak samo jak wżyciu
answered Oct 16, 2014 by Sebcio79 (14 points)
–2 votes
Foreplay give you charming, make it easier to get perfect and divines, Stamina give you strength, what you need when you battle and fuckfight in your gang, and finally the Fuck-The-Doll gives you tecnique, so you can defeat a 4cm. longer dick in coockchallenge!! If you remember always go spa, before you enter challenge..And hope he is offline, longhairy/dirty dick, is a looser..
answered Oct 23, 2014 by EgonWebers (143 points)