In Academy, how to beat dr Tai Ny Dick

+1 vote
I have done almost half of the spa treatments and have my banana's length at 3.94"

What to do.............??
asked Oct 19, 2014 in FAQ by haroon (35 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Don't think there is a way to beat him I was told use the outhouse and get higher I spend so much time in there and no way I try I can't beat him I guess you got paid to get bigger or there a bug in the game I don't even wasted my time doing it
answered Oct 25, 2014 by dexgen (14 points)
+1 vote
Spa treatments are the ones that work against instructors, the outhouse does nothing.  Just keeping growing it bigger and if you have candy coins, use the girl for the bonus before the fight.  Other than that, just keep up the spa and keep trying.


Edited to say, the outhouse is against other players, it doesn't help against instructors from what I've read and seen.
answered Oct 25, 2014 by lestatsc (24 points)