Is this game really meant to be this frustrating?

–2 votes
OK, so I've dealt with games where you only get a limited supply of special currency, which can be enhanced by spending money on a game to get more of them, but this is the first game I've ever seen in which that currency is stolen from the player. That's right: Stolen! At first, I thought it was just a risk associated with servicing the cougars in the disco or on the cruise ship, so I avoided them. Now all I have to do is perform an action...ANY action, and either I get "sick" and have to be cured, or I get "busted by a cop" and have to be broken out of transport, each of these "costing" me one coin each time.

This is becoming a regular occurrence, hinding my game play here. I started out with about 70 candy coins, and I used about 5 of them genuinely putting them to use. By that math, I should have about 65 left, perhaps slightly less with an occasional "event" of which I speak of, right?

I now have 33 candy coins remaining.

I have filed bug reports on this issue, and have absolutely no responses -- completely ignored, even though I left my email address. I am not adding my address to this forum question, but instead I am posting this here blind as well as posting a copy of this on the different game review sites so others are forwarned of this sort of tactic. It is not appreciated, and I am tired of being ignored all the time.

It's really a shame too, as this is a fun game overall, and would be great to continue playing if not for the frustrations I've dealt with here....
asked Oct 24, 2014 in Bugs by darkridr (19 points)

7 Answers

+5 votes
Dear darkridr!

You can deactivate the automatic use of candy coins. You just have to deselect the automatic use for offline and online at the settings -> candy coins.

You are not the first who could not find this.

answered Oct 24, 2014 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
M8, your answer has nothing to do with subject we are discussing here. Nurse just hops you FOR NOTHING and steals coin form you coz "ur sick".
hey thanks! didnt have a clue about that.
0 votes
Happens to me too. From clear sky "im sick" like WTF? Energy max, Health max.. Sober even ( just in case)..

Nurse just hops me and one is gone.
answered Jan 4, 2015 by raven34 (111 points)
+9 votes

How to remove this frustrating game element :

Step 1 : Top Bar to the right, select Settings

Step 2: On the menu to the right, click on tab candy coins

Step 3: Uncheck the check marks and change

Like most browser games, this game lacks a good manual, or ingame info, or a detailed tutorial. Everything has to be discovered by reading piecemeal info in the forums, ingame trial and error, or being friends with a game guru whom you can bother with questions.

NB: This setting should be unchecked by default (IMO)


answered Jan 4, 2015 by jerry099 (89 points)
edited Jan 4, 2015 by jerry099
–3 votes
We can read m8, if u deselect it, what happens next? u end up in hospital.
answered Jan 4, 2015 by raven34 (111 points)
edited Jan 26, 2015 by raven34
–1 vote
Now i got nurse 3 times in 3 hours of play ... Wait a second ppl, do you want this game to live or not?
answered Jan 4, 2015 by raven34 (111 points)
0 votes
Mr. Big D at the motel is the main nurse generator. I do all my other activities, and do Mr. Big D at the end (if I still have some excitement to consume). That way, if the nurse pops up, its time for me to take a break anyway.

Also, I don't send my girls on the street anymore, It's not worth the risks.

I am sure with more game experience, there are other ways to minimize the impact of these random events.
answered Jan 4, 2015 by jerry099 (89 points)
Yeah, I got mine kidnapped by someone :/
+3 votes
what is the reason given behind you go to the hospital or prison?  there are ways to avoid certain situations causing this and at the moment only motel causes issues
answered Jan 5, 2015 by kingofporn1 (248 points)
Main things to do to avoid it.. 1 deselect auto- cc use for hospital/prison in the options of the game.
2 never sent not happy girls or girls without security for the street as she may be kidnapped- you lose a girl and end in a hospital.
3. dont sent girls to the offers/clients when they are below 50% happines (also offers from the club and hostels you can have) this results as the bad moods and sometimes hospital as a result of that.
Another thing if you build up your network of clubs for girls you got.. you get attacked if not protected- also a hospital if you lose.
And the last- who the hell uses BigD's offers above lvl 10 or so? its not worth it at all as you earn cash other ways/make movies/website etc..
Not surre you people even read that there is a % chance for a failure in that action..  so you risk it.. you get it.. simple.
So to sum up.. dont do things that are not worth the risk, protect yourself from others and actions of others, keep girls moods at the top as you can all the time.
Over and out.
But Big D also adds to your size
thanks you alot purehate! i'm reading this' in the hospital' right now. very helpfull. too bad i cant +1 your reply.