How to get cold Fuck-buddies warm , when Pretty or Perfect ?

0 votes

Hi ,.... I have that problem when got Pretty or Perfect Fuck-buddies ,

most of them turn cold and stay so ,......

after fucking them , to get them warm / hot to climb into the mieter .....indecision

Do I have to do more school , or better my stats. , down into outdoor.loo ?

asked Nov 1, 2014 in FAQ by J-Thomas (24 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
there could be two reasons.

1.  you need to give her the money she asks for (the top option)

2.  After you fuck her (and give her the money option) it either says "pleasing men is not her thing" or "she really likes money".  the first answer means you can't make her into a hooker and only an actress.  the second means she can become a hooker if you kept fucking her.
answered Nov 1, 2014 by kingofporn1 (248 points)
edited Nov 1, 2014 by kingofporn1
also if it wasn't clear, you can never get the meter into warm on the first fuck.  you need to do it multiple times and it moves a little bit each time
0 votes
It takes several fucks to get her hot, but dont use rubbert, the excitement add 20% with the Candy, you loose a little health, but get her faster warmed up to hot!
answered Nov 5, 2014 by EgonWebers (143 points)