gang cockfight

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upon joining a gang cockfight, I have the option to fuck two different kind of  girls. The main difference, as far as i aca see, is the fight point/excitement  ratio ( I mean How many fight point I get in the battle fianl count vs the excitement point  I spend with the girl)

  • opposing gang girls, with a ratio of about 0.9
  • "random gang " girls, with a much favorable ratio ( close to  2.0)

Since the difference is very high, I figure there must be something I miss, otherwise  why choosing the less rewarding girls?

Any idea? 

Maybe the prizes  you get from banging the girls  ( spirits, phones, manicure, that sort of stuff ) are different, better quality?  I have no evidence about this, nut  tried just a few times the less rewarding girls :-)

asked Nov 9, 2014 in FAQ by gimpsyit (184 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
the rewards are different  but rem picking the same girl/gang over and over without LEAVING the screen usually  makes the points go up per act...once you leave the screen and come back it resets
answered Nov 13, 2014 by maloney4545 (18 points)