Outhouse stats

+19 votes

Is it meant for us to figure out what they are for or can we get an official explanation of what each is for?

Some tell me all 3 are used for cock fights only

others tell me each has its own use:

  • foreplay - helps to pick up girls
  • stamina - for battle against other players
  • technique - used in second part of cockfights


I have looked through countless questions on here and even translated some but can't seem to find a definite answer. can an admin clarify please

asked Nov 20, 2014 in FAQ by kingofporn1 (248 points)

2 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer


all skills help only in the second part of cockfights.

  • foreplay - If it is higher than opponent's foreplay, you will start the battle and have 20% bonus to technique
  • stamina - It makes your opponent weaker
  • technique - It is the most important skill, It shows how good you are.


answered Nov 21, 2014 by cpiusz (874 points)
selected Nov 21, 2014 by kingofporn1
+15 votes

all Outhouse stats have many effects on many HCL events:

Foreplay: helps getting better buddies, give a 20% stamina bonus in CF if bigger than rival, determines attacking order in battles and raids

Stamina: is ur resistance on CF, and too in battles and fights

Technique: is ur power on CF, and too in battles and fights


But OH stats are only some of all variables that influence on all events, others too importants are:

mojo, cash, excitement, cock lenght, gang rank, trophies earned, skill points distribution, guards, weapon, clothes, car...
answered Apr 19, 2016 by Conqueridor (816 points)