What is up with cock battle

+3 votes
whenever i go into a cock battle i lose for some reason i have gotten many of the spa treatments i have been in the outhouse for a while i have been training my cock alot so whats up?
asked Dec 9, 2014 in Porn stars by sexpornfetish (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
what is your outhouse summ ? mine is more than 3000 thousand & i sometimes lose too.

the most important thing is the length of your cock. & u dont know what is your opponents training summ, so they may be more trained than u. try to do more outhouse training, increase your lvl & do all the spa treatments.

& one tip : before challenging someone in a cockfight see his profile & his cock lenght, if its a lot more than u change your opponent to avoid losing.
answered Dec 9, 2014 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
This is crazy. I have lost fights that I simply dont understand. For instance, I have just been challenged I scored 42.78, 57.22 and 46.75.. opponent score was 31.31, 44.42, 35.34 and yet the final pictures were him, him, me..... go figure that one out, makes no sense at all.
You might debate if it makes sense or not but what happened to you was you met a player that had invested more time in the outhouse.