Vacation option needed

+5 votes
Any pimp needs some vacation days once in a while. Since there is winter (at least in Northern Hemisphere) some pims need to go to sky or other activites other than pimping :).


So I suggest to implement the "Vacation" option. I'm affraid that after i'll come back from vacation, not to find my pimp beaten, no money and in jail's hospital and with no girl.
asked Dec 13, 2014 in New Features by DrAg0s (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
you mean something like pause right ? i dont think its going to happen, besides this game is designed for players who play daily & if you dont play everyday u cant become stronger. so its kinda of pointless.

btw if you lose candy coins when u go to jail or hospital uncheck the box in setting menu(candy coin tab) so if u do go to jail or hospital u will lose nothing.
answered Dec 17, 2014 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)