Any way to solve alcohol bug?

+2 votes


Since I started playing the game I have been faced with a persistent bug;

When organizing a party (I buy all the alcohol at the store first), when I try to set the amount of bottles and drugs, on the next page with the ummary of the party, only the amount of drugs I have set is correct while none of my alchol appeaers except, for some reason, a few bottles of brandy and beer. As a result I have thousands of bottles of alcohol I cannot really use.

Anyone facing the same problem and most importantly anyone has a fix for this?


asked Dec 15, 2014 in FAQ by curufinwe (25 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
It depend on how many girls you add, more girls allow more alcohol.
answered Dec 15, 2014 by EgonWebers (143 points)
thanks for the answer. Do we have the key anywhere so that I can understand how he ratio works ?
Usually I put around 10 girls in the party.

It is strange though; it is possible to put thousands of units of drugs but alcohol is capped ?
+1 vote
The more girls you take to a party, the more alcohol you can take to the party.

The more alcohol you take to a party, the more girls you will pick up at the party.

Take all of your girls and as much alcohol as permited.  I take all tequila
answered Oct 18, 2023 by Marcos229 (133 points)