girl from tutorial

–2 votes

is possible to turn off that girl in right corner of screen, who appears hundreds off times per day? She is very intrusive and burdensome

asked Dec 16, 2014 in FAQ by ssh (25 points)

7 Answers

+1 vote
just click the word tutorial on the bottom bar
answered Dec 16, 2014 by jerry099 (89 points)
0 votes

sorry but i don't see this buttonsad

answered Dec 16, 2014 by ssh (25 points)
0 votes
it is not a button, just click anywhere on the word >> tutorial
answered Dec 16, 2014 by jerry099 (89 points)
0 votes

I mean that I don't have this word TUTORIAL on screen sad you can see that:

answered Dec 17, 2014 by ssh (25 points)
edited Dec 17, 2014 by ssh
0 votes
While the tutorial is running, you can make her disappear by clicking on "tutorial" on the bottom bar. After the tutorial is finished, she pops up on messages. I don't know of a way to stop it, it seems to be part of the game. Besides, she isn't bad looking, I hope they don't remove her.
answered Dec 17, 2014 by jerry099 (89 points)
Not only not to remove her... but when achieving a certain level she should appear naked, like the one that appears when your dick grows (she is getting slowly undressed)
+1 vote
click the top of her head
answered Dec 18, 2014 by thekinkymoose (16 points)
0 votes
I agree, that it would be commonsence and appreciated if it be possible to disable her poping up.
answered Sep 27, 2015 by Tera123 (29 points)