Ambulance and alcohol?

0 votes
Sometimes while I play I see the ambulance and a message saying I'm too weak.

I lose a candy coin when it happens. I also get a message saying I should drink more.

Are the weakness and the alcohol connected in some way?

asked Dec 17, 2014 in FAQ by Elthor87 (31 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
First of all, do not pay any attention to that message about you're too weak and should drink more. It pops up all the time.

Next. Learn how strong the different types of alchohol is.

You can drink up to 5.00 in alchohol.

Be sober - take one drink of rum - whiskey or what ever you got in hand and do a mouseover at the bottle in upper left corner. It tells you your current alchohol level.

Use whatever type of alchohol you have and top off with beer. Its the cheapest and most cost-effective type of alchohol.
answered Dec 18, 2014 by Metz (106 points)