Is there a way to increase your alcohol tolerance?

+1 vote
I was wondering if there was a way to increase alcohol tolerance so I can have more drinks before I'm drunk to much to do anything.  Also is it better to drink a little bit before trying to pick up women?
asked Dec 28, 2014 in FAQ by PhoenixFireeye (62 points)

2 Answers

–2 votes
answered Dec 29, 2014 by gonzobaird (39 points)
0 votes
I dunno.  I keep drinking and it doesn't seem to help.   Sometimes I get an energy boost from it, and I always have more booze than i can use from driving around, so why not keep at it.


BUT when I try to pick up girls at the pub, it helps if I start utterly sober, because one of the ways to impress them is to buy rounds of drinks, only you lose them if you get drunk (and a round is one for them and one for you, I guess)
answered Jan 7, 2016 by BullHetherington (81 points)