sex appeal and satisfaction

0 votes

1. how to increase the over capacity of the girls sex appeal i got to 20/20 now how to further increase her capacity??

2.does the hoes satisfaction make a diffrence and what will happen if their satisfaction reached 0% cause i dont want to keep on buying chocolates and shit angry

asked Jan 2, 2015 in FAQ by saxobeet (35 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
1. Sex appeal can not be increased over the maximum - you need another girl :)

2. The profit made by the girl is highly dependent by hers satisfaction - so it is very important to buy the presents. But don't worry, any girl makes more money than they request for presents... it is easy to keep them with satisfaction over 90%. Don't know what happens if satisfaction reaches to 0%.
answered Jan 2, 2015 by DrAg0s (180 points)
+2 votes
I always give a girl gifts once her satisfaction is low enough that I won't lose any points of satisfaction.

eg. if a girl wants make-up, which adds 26% to satisfaction, I wait for the girls satisfaction to be below 74%.  At 74%, she would get to 100%.  At 75%, she'd also go to 100%, so you'd lose that % point if you gave it to her then.

Also, check everytime you log in and give your girls gifts if they need them.  I had gone to prison because I sent a girl to a client when she was at 32%, and the lower her satisfaction is, the more likely it is you'll be thrown in prison and sent to the hospital.  I think it's also possible that she will runaway or make it easier for someone to steal her from you, if she has low satisfaction.
answered Jan 3, 2015 by PhoenixFireeye (62 points)