What is the point of having a Spa Treatment +50 when max pampering value is 40?

+5 votes
Body shaping massage is +50

Pampering is max out of 40. What's the point of it?

Also the Satisfaction, "+16" for example next to the spa treatments, what are they for?
asked Jan 7, 2015 in New Features by Dizzybandar (82 points)

2 Answers

–1 vote
Spa its to make ur girls more atractive but that works like spa for ur D
u will have to re do it some time when u think its to low~
U can make ur girls more atractive in gym but the max is 60
If a girl don't have it over 60 the max will be the limit for the girls over 60 + the max limit is 60
and the satisfaction make ur girls happy like giving them gifts
answered Jan 7, 2015 by VenomStrike (44 points)
+3 votes
well your first question is also a question of mine, & it doesnt make any sense.

but your second question, satisfaction is kind of important, you should keep your girls satisfied because that way they make more money (in you massage parlord) & the most important one when they are sad & unsatisfied they rat you out, it means when you collect you parlors cash there is more chance that you get busted. using spa treatments for your girls make them a little satisfied
answered Jan 11, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)