losing a girl on street when she was not even there

+1 vote
can anyone explain how someone can steel your girl from off the street when she has never been on the street, i never use my high ranked girls on the street or in the parlors. so how is it possible to lose them, this has happened more then once and it is becomeing very annoying
asked Jan 25, 2015 in FAQ by scott58 (36 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
they dont have to be on the street, for example i come to your massage parlors, i take 1 of your girls for a spin then i can kidnapp her ;)
answered Jan 28, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
she was not in a parlor or on the street, she was not even on a job, she was at the spa at the time and someone stole her to use himself. how can they steel a girl from the street when she was not there, you can only do that on the street fighting for them, and i do not use any girl over 25 for the street because its easy to replace them. harder to replace a 71 girl, not even the programmers have answered this one yet