Upgrade the game server

+1 vote
The lag is getting ridiculous now, happens constantly
asked Jan 29, 2015 in New Features by kingofporn1 (248 points)

1 Answer

–2 votes
M8, lag is prob your side. If you mean lag in talking with dates, its normal that shes not as fast as you, but no other lag is there. At least for me it isnt and i have full DL/UL ques constantly.
answered Jan 31, 2015 by raven34 (111 points)
it is definitely not on my end as I am regularly using other sites as well.  I always have these forums open as well and it crashes at the same time I experience it in the game.  I am not talking about lag, several times per day sometimes it freezes and nothing will load in game with just blank boxes.  I have several others say the same thing happens to them, definitely the game server
M8, if that would be servers, everyone would experience same problems. And we are not. So lets narrow it down..
Ok FFox of Chrome? And if ur using one of the French providers, or your in the path, ur toasted, they are causing problems for many online games.
And i suggest  PingPloter. Use pingplotter on main site and see results. U'll know where problem is then ;)
lag is happening to me as well. i tried to stream movies to check if my internet is slow. movie loads just fine. im guess its something about HCL site.
Do a addware/malware sweep too first. U wouldnt believe how clever is new stuff. It took me 3 days to get rid of one especially dangerous, unnamed yet. U have classical symptomes. It hits FFox. Check if you can access https (secure sites), if you cant - well thats it..
Yes, there is lag and freezes; no, it is not the game server. The game is just very poorly optimized at this point. But that is to be expected as the game is still in early beta phase. They will, I presume, be improving the code and the issue will get better over time. Right now the code creates many memory conflicts, which can affect gameplay. If you've been lucky enough not to experience these than that's great, but others have been. Again, this is still beta so just give it time.