Dating Divines 100, pickup bug?

–1 vote
So after spending 15 minuts, and over 500 lines of text, i got rejected.

Which was easy pickup with 150 lines usually. And that costed me 1CC (Champagne) - for the 10th time in a row.

My mojo is 309.000 and my Seduction 80, sweet talkling 80.

That happens only after last server maintenence. Not to mention i was 4 times interrupted by "do you cheat on me" - which tech wont answer is hers appearance resetting the charming or not. So we know to start over or not.

Just not to waste time, and nerves slowly.
asked Feb 2, 2015 in New Features by raven34 (111 points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
There is never any reason for using 150 or 500 (impressive) pickup lines.

Please keep in mind that at some point the girl just wont get more interested in you at your current game level/mojo  no matter what you do or give her and the meter stops increasing. The better the girl probably the sooner that happens.

No changes have been made to this mechanism for a long time. Not since gifts were introduced.

Please look at the meter.


HCL team
answered Feb 4, 2015 by HotCandyLand (243 points)
selected Feb 4, 2015 by G-Daddy
0 votes
Try to get the Divines babes with empty stars. But I know u talking about, thats so fkin bad. U have reason.
answered Feb 3, 2015 by Cavera (85 points)
0 votes
when u take her out, u have 3 lines to use right ? so when one of them worked (the meter goes high) u should only use that option. it means if u clicked on second line & it worked after that only use second line not others till she asks for a gift, give her the gift then after the close the deal option became green, use the second option for 2-3 times more then u have a great chance to make her fuck buddy.

also u can always give her diamond instead of champagne, i know it will cost u 2 cc but its better to waste 1cc for nothing !
answered Feb 4, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
U can give her high heels and skip talking all together. BUT thats not the point. I tried "regular way" without using CCs. Thats the point - and that is fusked up. Esp part when blonde marches in with cheating question - whics resets your charming. Or part of it, not sure, but i know it removes part. And that is something nobody mentioned nowhere. That ppl should start over.
Also , after last server maintenance - all divines , not only 100s ALLWAYS ask for CC gift. Before lower divine girls asked for iBiatch8. Which was more fair to players. so now, dont waste time - give high heels NO MATTER what level you are - u land her for sure. Stupid , and fuckup in game mechanics, coz they are turning this into pay-to-win/play. and they will loose a lot of customers that way. I saw many good games go under with much more tech details and awesome graphics - which here aint the case. Only thing that sells this is - idea. GFX is BAD to level of 1990s games.