Can I get details on the Outhouse?

+1 vote
I'm trying to understand what these "stats" contribute too.
asked Feb 3, 2015 in FAQ by DrTentakelliebe (99 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

all skills help only in the second part of cockfights.

  • foreplay - If your foreplay is higher than your opponent's foreplay, you will start the battle and have 20% bonus to technique
  • stamina - It makes your opponent weaker
  • technique - It is the most important skill, It shows how good you are & gives you the points.
answered Feb 3, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
selected Mar 11, 2015 by DrTentakelliebe
–2 votes
чем больше сортир тем лучше в поединках  это твоя сила
answered Feb 3, 2015 by SanS (15 points)