How to rise sex appeal of the girls??

0 votes
asked Feb 4, 2015 in FAQ by TonyX7 (43 points)

2 Answers

–1 vote
Best answer
the total sex apeal of girls is including care + pampering. for increasing her care u should take her to fitness & adjust her measures to increase her care & sex apeal. this factor is reduced over time so u should take her to fitness from time to time. to increase her pampering u should take her to spa & pay to increase her pampering. this one will not change over time so just do it once.
answered Feb 4, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
selected Feb 4, 2015 by TonyX7
–2 votes
в СПА своди потом посленего в ФИТНЕС и там плюс прибавить сколько не хватает  и минус убавлять если перебор
answered Feb 4, 2015 by alabay1 (121 points)