Missing alcohol?

0 votes
When cruising downtown I get several messages that I have found different types of alcohol, but when I check me inventory it says, "Nothing her, you probably drank it all and don't remember. get some at the liquor store." The problem is that I never used it and my blood alcohol level has never changed. Is this a bug or am I just missing something?
asked Feb 10, 2015 in FAQ by Darthan (50 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
does this happens only when u cruise downtown or all the time (like when u do fuck-offs, buying a container  or ...) ? try buyin some alchohol from liquor store if it happens again its probably because of your level. i think u should level up a little bit then u will be able to drink.
answered Feb 10, 2015 by kourosh_sedaghat (1,328 points)
If I purchase alcohol it appears correctly in my inventory. The problem only seems to be connected to alcohol I find while cruising downtown.
Thanks for the idea. I now also think, that if your level is to low, you don't get the alcohol from cruising. It's liks trying to drink some alcohol which is to high for your level.