artistic vision in pro porn movie

0 votes
any  idea of the  income improvement due to a better artistic vision?

I mean:  I expect being able to shoot better ranked  movies, but being the  greedy producer I am :-),  I'm more focused at better income from pro movies than a porn oscar. At present I'm at 50, and is it worthy raising this skill further, sacrifying other skill?
related to an answer for: Skill points
asked Feb 26, 2015 in FAQ by gimpsyit (184 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
i had no difference in money or ratings when resting my stats had same ating and money with 25 artistic vision as i do now with 68. it was intellect getting raised that got me more money 13 points on inel added almost 10 million more for my milf movies hope that helps unless you found something different thatss what happened to me
answered Mar 7, 2015 by funguy61 (48 points)