Why doesn't doing a photo shoot witha girl increase her desire to become and actress?

+4 votes
On several occasions I have sent a girl to do a photo shoot and it said "this girl really wants to become an actress" with the accompanying increase in her desire meter, just as it does when you seend a girl to do a movie shoot. However, when I went to my fuck buddies page her desire is still 10% and it hasn't changed from before I sent her there. This ahs happened with more than one girl on more than one occasion. Is this a bug?


edit: I have checked with more than one of the girls that this happened to and when they were sent to a movie shoot their desire to become an actress does increase as it should. And strangely enough some girls do seem to increase when they do a photo shoot.
asked Mar 7, 2015 in FAQ by dezxter (16 points)
edited Mar 7, 2015 by dezxter

2 Answers

0 votes
Later in the game only films are able to increase a girl's level. I also made the experience that in the "trainee" phase of a girl the photo shooting often ist not helpful. Short amateur films are the best way to get her quickly to 99 % desire
answered Mar 8, 2015 by Tron321 (25 points)
0 votes
Actually both movies and photo shoots work, but the first time the real value is 0%, it's just put at 10 so that if they really don't want to, the meter can go down to 0 so you'll know whether she'll slap you and leave if you try again. photo shoots seem to increase less, but if you're online a lot you can do them more often, so they can actually be faster.
answered Apr 28, 2015 by Haan (28 points)