Bug Return cock length to begin of the game

+1 vote
I was dating a girl and decided to put her as a hooker

My status went to 8/8 or 0.31 inches

i am at level 9 so this should give me 85/85 or something like this

What can i do?
I tried reopening the page  but it didnt work
asked Mar 22, 2015 in Bugs by alfaloo (13 points)

3 Answers

–1 vote
Sounds like someone cockfighted you and you lost. Since this is a ganking style pvpgame that will happen.

Don't keep cash in you pocket if you don't feel like losing it and train at the cave
answered Mar 25, 2015 by aluser (13 points)
0 votes
Actually I think the girl u dated bitchslaped you, because she didn't want to be a hooker. It also debuffs your cock making it 8/8. You have to wait for a couple of minutes (max.30) and there you go.
answered Mar 30, 2015 by r4zzl3y (153 points)
0 votes
Either way, it's definitely a shame debuff.  there will be a red tag along the right hand side showing the debuff.
answered Apr 11, 2015 by d76 (23 points)