Personal Trainer at the gym

0 votes
I was wondering, what the personal trainer exactly does.

The description says, it prevents the measurements of the girl to go all over the place. But I was wondering if the personal trainer does only that and nothing else or gets the women into perfect shape as well. I doubt the later somehow but want to make sure bout that before I maybe get him
asked Apr 4, 2015 in FAQ by Niklas_Fuxs (25 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
i might have misunderstood ur question the 1st time ...


if u mean the gym for the girl and the Candy Coin usage for 7 to 60 days then the answer is it keep ur girls in top shape... got to remember tho that the gym can only do up to 60/60 care ... if ur girl got higher sex appeal u need to send her to the spa .. it cost more .. takes longer but those stats remain forever,


hope that is a more clear answer .
answered Apr 11, 2015 by pornificator (190 points)
selected Apr 11, 2015 by Niklas_Fuxs
not really clearer, but i think i know at least what you are trying to say and thats enough for me
ok i think i get what u wanted to know .. i asked a friend around and if u buy the trainer it will make the girls stats remain at their current stats without going up or down every few hours or so .. but u still got to bring them in top shape 1st manualy...

hope that is much better now :)
that hits the nail on the head. i figured as much, but i hoped it wasnt like that. thanks dude
0 votes
The personal trainer does not increase your women's stats. He only prevents them to decrease over time.
answered Apr 5, 2015 by L33tfr0g (23 points)
So basicly he holds them only in place and when I want to change them, I gotta do it myself.