outhouse causing OCD problem!!!

+4 votes
well i guess the title says it all ... seem like everyone is so focusing on OH that they forget almost all other aspect of the game ... there should be a max on OH so that way people would have to use some kind of strategy to beat their opponent.

mojo is unlimited so it could affect in some way the result....at least mojo is gained from cockfight and soccer team and the gym and equipement .. even tho everyone would end up one day or another at max equipement .. they could still get more from the previously said area.

its too easy to lvl in this game if u follow everything they teach u in the tutorial and for hardore players that dont know u have to stall forever without growing too much ur dick size ..well .. ur kind of doomed.


anyway for those that dont know OCD it mean obsessive compulsive dissorder ....many player like that i could seen with their outhouse.since it seem thats all that realy mathers.


see this as a suggestion or a rent i dont realy mind cause im rethinking about deleting and starting over ... pointless to be lvl 50 within 3 week and being all messed up due to easy lvling,compared to ppl who play since 4-6 month lol


P.S: i know not realy a big question in it .. more a suggestion and commentary but since no place for that .. better here than nothing :)
asked Apr 8, 2015 in New Features by tibob (89 points)

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