How can I raid massage parlours?

–1 vote
Please excuse my ignorance, but I haven't found out how I can raid other massage parlours... Could somebody let me know.

asked Apr 23, 2015 in FAQ by Karstenstrmer (76 points)

2 Answers

–7 votes
For the sake of world peace i won't tell you ;-)
answered Apr 23, 2015 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
your a fucking idiot
+1 vote

First, choose a player  (me for example ;_; ). You can pick up your victim from the ones in Cock Fights (or wherever you can find one) ; click on their user name, and their profile page will appear. Click on one of their massage parlours, take a girl on a ride, then you'll be able either to kidnap one of the girls's player, either raid & plunder the sh*t out of their massage parlours. devil

Click on "raid" after you took a girl on a ride, then select your allies (= security staff), make sure you have enough energy, and click on "raid this place".

The world needs trouble-makers. If not, Batman wouldn't exist... and neither would DICK Robin.  ;D

answered Feb 24, 2016 by roseturquoise (37 points)
But for the sake of my ultimate goal (worldwide peace) i have only one question.
Why are you answering an almost one year old question??
I bet Karstenstrmer is inactive for a long time, since he never found the destructive joy of raiding other players.
I know it's been a long while but is this my freaking fault ? :3
Plus, if someone here is currently searching for the answer, he/she will find this topic and read my comment. Nothing is lost. ;p
lol... if someone needs this guide to raid, he never will be a real danger for anyone, jack
Einstein was incredibly clever and he couldn't have managed to tie his shoelaces himself :p
Someone may have a problem just to find how to raid and be perfectly fine with other functions on HCL :p