So u give her gift she asks for, talk more, if still not satisfied u can give her a CC gift as well (2gifts)?

+1 vote

2 Answers

+1 vote
il give "her" often 2 gifts if i realy want her.. 1st il try the gift she asks for and if thats not enough il buy her a gift with CC (champagne,Heel etc..) this works nearly 100%. i got just onetime a refuse because i talked toomuch (tryed to convince her after i gave the 1stGift without luck so i gave a CC gift , unfortunaly it was wasted....
answered May 20, 2015 by Elenora (32 points)
+1 vote
If you know you want her, don't wait for her to ask for a gift, just give her the heels as soon as you can, and seal the deal immediately. One gift, 2CC, 100% effective.

I only use this method for the best divine girls, though. For any others, I can live with the 60% or something chance of winning without spending CC at all.
answered May 20, 2015 by Hermenegild (579 points)
But how do you know what normal gift to give her before she asks? Or do you just give the most expensive one
A divine girl will always ask for a CC gift, there's no point in offering her a normal one. You can try flirting with her until she asks for a gift - you can ask her out at this moment, and depending on your luck, you can have a 30-70% chance of getting her. Or, you can spend 1 CC on the champagne and have a 85% chance.

You only need to do so for hookers, though - actresses you can get from the cast, and I even got a few 100 sex appeal / 100 temperament girls this way. It's not easy, and it's very time-consuming, but it's doable.