Hoe-less and I don't know why

+1 vote
When I try to make a FB a 'working girl," I get the message "module_cant_have_girls."

Currently Level 9. I couldn't find any prerequisites for getting the hoes.
asked May 22, 2015 in FAQ by thuth1 (14 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Check your profile, there will be a listing of the number of actresses and hoes you can have. If there's room there, I'd like to know how "hot" she is for being a hoe. Is the meter up?
answered May 23, 2015 by Haan (28 points)
They were always metered up. I've gotten the rejection, so I know what that looks like. Some glitch, apparently. I've got hoes and actresses now, so I guess it's all good.