how do I get first place in the league and the league cool fighting cocks

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asked May 23, 2015 in New Features by jonnathan (19 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

+1 vote
The simple answer is by winning more cock-fights than anyone else in your league.  For the pimp league it is down to making more money in your parlours, etc., than anyone else in your league.

To win at cock-fighting you need cocksize, Out House scores, SPA 'buffs' and mojo to be 'at a decent level'.  Trophies also might have an impact.  Just how it all works I am not sure and you don't have to be higher in all areas that your opponent, just 'enough'.  You also don't have to beat the people ahead of you, just win more matches than they do.  You have the option of skipping a contest (which costs an increasing amount of money each time you use the option) which can help at times.  If you're not sure, look at the profile of your opponent.  If they have been oflfine for a while (more than 4 hours?) then their SPA buffs will have started to deteriorate so they will be easier to beat.  Check what trophies they have, a lot will indicate they may have won a lof of cock-fights and may be a lot more of an opponent than they appear.  Also check cocksize against level, if it is disproportionately big they may have been developed as a 'cock-fight' monster and will be, accordingly, 'fighting above their weight'.
answered May 24, 2015 by Ehlanna (690 points) 1 flag
thank you for your opinion