What does hot do when making porn

+1 vote
The place they use don't seem to have an increase in bouns or anything. So what does hot mean when making a film.
asked May 27, 2015 in FAQ by Alex_Dread (101 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The girl, position or place to use says "HOT" when they're looking for it at Big Al's Studio where you sell the films and photos. When you click on Big Al's building next to Booble, click the assistant and she shows you whats hot for that time. The go to make a film and if you have the girl and position thats "HOT" it'll say "HOT" in Red letters. What's "HOT" sells when you got to sell porn and photos to Big Al.
answered May 29, 2015 by pookielou15 (124 points)
In general the hot stuff nets more money from Al ;-)